I’m not the guy who fixed this issue, this post is only a note for myself. Thanks to Pflugs for fixing this issue. Refs: https://stackoverflow.com/a/60232433/2348832.

This steps below will help you to run pem package or openssl command normally on AWS Lambda NodeJS 10.x & 12.x.

Create Open SSL Layer

Follow Pflugs’ steps, I have created the Lamba OpenSSL Layer. If you trust me, you can download it from here. If you don’t, just follow his steps to create one.

Add the layer on AWS

Fix missing OpenSSL on AWS Lambda NodeJS 10.x 12.x 1

Create a new custom Lambda layer

Fix missing OpenSSL on AWS Lambda NodeJS 10.x 12.x 2

Add the layer to your Lambda function

Add the Lambda Function Environment variables



It’s done. pem package or openssl command now should both work!

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